Oil Painting Secrets from a Master. Linda Cateura
ISBN: 9780823032792 | 144 pages | 4 Mb
- Oil Painting Secrets from a Master
- Linda Cateura
- Page: 144
- Format: pdf, ePub, fb2, mobi
- ISBN: 9780823032792
- Publisher: Crown Publishing Group
Download free textbooks pdf Oil Painting Secrets from a Master iBook MOBI DJVU by Linda Cateura (English Edition) 9780823032792
Some of the most popular art instruction books ever written have been based on student notes culled over the years from actual workshop sessions, with all their power and immediacy - and with practical, on-to-one contact between student and teacher. This is such a book. For more than two years, Linda Cateura has pursued teacher / artist David A. Leffel, notebook in hand, as he critiqued the work of students. Linda Cateura's succinct notes capture his insights, philosophy, painting hints, and general comments. Leffel's classic, painterly, twentieth-century old master style, much in the manner of Rembrandt or Chardin, affords ample illustration of ...